8 Sep


Benchmarking is used to compare products, services, processes and methods with one or more companies. Differences are identified, why they exist and opportunities to improve one's own company in a balanced way.

Benchmarking occurs in this blog.


standard software

ERP in the standard - what does that mean?

When a company is looking for a new ERP system, sooner or later it is faced with the decision between standard software or a specialised solution.
Cash flow in companies explained

Cash flow in companies explained

If a company finds itself in economically difficult waters, it is the first and foremost task of the company management to control the flow of money or...
Work 4.0: Faster, further, higher or deceleration?

Work 4.0: Faster, further, higher or deceleration?

The rapid automation of the working world has made many voices concerned and loud for deceleration. However, digital systems could still ...
What are the advantages of a modern ERP solution?

What are the advantages of a modern ERP solution?

IT has developed rapidly with digitization. That's why a lot has changed in the ERP software. Nevertheless is...
Versino-sap-b1-blog-project-management-erp-project-photo: rawpixel

What distinguishes the project management from the key user?

If you have already carried out an ERP project, or are just planning one, you have probably heard from the key user and project manager...
Why time tracking should be popular again

Why time tracking should be popular again

Time recording is becoming unsexy and time clocks have finally made their way to the grave. Instead, you rely on trust. Flexibility becomes...
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