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Pick quantity (SAP Business One)

Quantity of goods picked (from a storage place removed) goods in a warehouse.
This can be either the quantity to be picked or the quantity of items already picked.

There are two key aspects to this:

  1. Quantity to be pickedThe total number of items that must be removed to fulfil an order or multiple orders.
  2. Quantity already pickedThe number of items that have actually already been removed from the warehouse.

The pick quantity is usually specified in the stockkeeping unit of measure of the respective item. Example: A customer order requires 10 pieces of an item. After withdrawing 5 pieces, the quantity to be picked is reduced to 5 pieces, while the quantity already picked is also 5 pieces.

Picking quantity in SAP Business One

In SAP Business One The picking quantity can be managed in different ways. Frequently, so-called Pick lists for use. These lists serve as a central working basis and can be provided both in printed form and digitally via mobile applications. This makes the picking process much easier, as information is immediately available and the status of an order can be updated in real time.


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