Industry 4.0 - Time for the Future
5 apr

Industry 4.0 - Time for the future

That the prophecies of Industry 4.0 are slowly becoming reality is shown by a new online course that is unexpectedly close to the house of SAP. 

With the 4th Industrial Revolution, major changes are predicted - or rather expected. These will probably be best seen in manufacturing companies.
Imagine: a sensor detects a fault in a production piece. Instead of being checked by a technician, the machine decides on its own whether a Repair is possible or whether the production piece is disposed of. The information within production is passed on to a system (usually a Manufacturing Execution System), which enables the rest of the production can be adapted to the error message in real time. Meanwhile, the ERP system for the repair or replacement of the failed production piece (material etc.). The latter will check at the end whether, due to the production delay, the delivery time is in danger and the client must be informed.

This process should also set in motion an independent learning process between the machine and the systems so that the production error can be avoided in the future. In this way, it is hoped that an automatic Process optimisation.

Can you not yet imagine technology managing such processes in your work environment?
It is precisely for this case that the Hasso Plattner Institute (yes, SAP founder Hasso Plattner) and the German Academy of Science and Engineering provide a free online course. This is dedicated to the topic of how technologies of the Industry 4.0 best in medium-sized companies can be integrated. Hands-on Industrie 4.0' will be available from 25 April 2016. A total of 40 guest speakers will appear in the online course. For example, Prof. Dr. Günther Schuh from RWTH Aachen University, who will address the topic of implementing digital processes. The area of cybercrime is also mentioned as a focus. Prof. Dr. Claudia Eckert from the Frauenhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security will speak about this.

Click here for more information about the course and to register.

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