In SAP Business One there is a convenient way to import external data using the Import from Excel function. This function makes it possible to import business partners, items, price lists, business partner catalogue numbers and journal entries or to update existing data. Compared to the existing Data Transfer Workbench (DTW) the Excel import offers a simpler and less extensive functionality that is nevertheless effective.

Using SAP Business One Excel Import correctly

To use the function, you can open the "Import from Excel" window, where you can select the corresponding field of the selected data object from the drop-down lists of columns A, B, C, D, etc. Various information can be entered here, such as the name of the Business partnerThe columns can be used to enter the name, the e-mail address or even the telephone number. To be able to correctly assign the columns in the "Import from Excel" window, they must be arranged in the same order as in the original Microsoft Excel list. Alternatively, it is also possible to save the order as a data import template and remove it again with the "Delete assignment" button. It should be noted, however, that the Excel file to be imported is saved as a text file with tab stops, as SAP Business One requires this file format for the import.

SAP Business One Excel Import

Different import processing

When importing business partner data, you have the option of adding new data records as well as updating existing data records. The import of item data works similarly. However, when importing price lists, only existing data records can be updated. When importing business partner catalogue numbers and journal entries, on the other hand, only new data records can be added, while existing data records cannot be updated.

It is also possible to import target group data or serial and batch numbers from Excel. Importing target group data is identical to importing business partner data. When importing serial and batch numbers, however, you have to work from a goods receipt and add serial or batch numbers in the Quantity field.

Rules for the SAP Business One Excel Import

It is important to note that when importing business partner and item numbers, no special characters such as !, , *, ?, %, {, }, = and umlauts may be included. In addition, Microsoft Excel files must be saved and imported as TXT files. Before importing, the TXT files must be closed and may only contain the data to be imported, without title lines or empty lines. It is also advisable to ensure that the number of characters in the cells of the Microsoft Excel table does not exceed the length of the corresponding field in SAP Business One. For more information on the data type, see the data import templates.

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