The automatic account assignment of stock transactions in the warehouse subledger is a key function in SAP Business One, but it offers considerable advantages in the warehouse management offers. This function requires continuous inventory management and the warehouse subledger to be activated in the company database. These settings can be found under "System initialisation" in the "Administration" module and in the "Company details" window.
General ledger account assignment for warehouse transactions
As soon as continuous inventory management is activated, you can define the general ledger account assignments for warehouse transactions under the "Inventory" tab in the "G/L account determination" window. The stock account plays a central role here, as it contains all changes to the value of the Stock is mapped. To prevent inconsistencies between warehouse and financial accounting, this account should be blocked for direct postings. This setting must be made accordingly in the chart of accounts under the item "Block manual posting" for stock accounts.
Cost of goods sold account in inventory management
An important area for account assignment in inventory management is the cost of goods sold account, the goods receipt clearing account, the variance account and the price difference account. The cost of goods sold account is used to post the cost of goods sold for sales. The goods receipt clearing account holds the postings for purchased stock goods on an interim basis until the supplier invoice finally clears the transaction. The variance account is used for items with fixed standard prices to record differences between standard and purchase prices. Price differences that arise between goods receipts and the corresponding supplier invoices, on the other hand, are recognised in the price difference account.
Account assignment for correction of negative balances
The account for the correction of negative balances is responsible for the automatic recording of balancing entries for negative balances in order to keep valuation prices stable. However, the function for negative balances should only be used in exceptional cases. This can be set in the "Voucher settings" window under "General".
Balance equalisation, reduction and increase account.
The stock clearing, decrease and increase accounts are used to handle stock differences resulting from inventory results or manual corrections. The sales returns account is responsible for posting the stock values of sales returns. In the case of currency differences in incoming invoices, SAP B1 uses the account for exchange rate differences.
Account assignment for goods clearing
The goods clearing account is used to close goods receipt documents without a supplier invoice. The accounts for issues and receipts are used for stock revaluations, while the stock P&L offsetting account is important for the accounting recording of the production process.
Expense clearing account
The expense clearing account recognises additional expenses for Incoming goodsThe "Freight" window can be configured under "Definition" and "General". Finally, SAP B1 uses the transit stock account for A/P reserve invoices instead of the goods receipt clearing account to post the stock values of A/P reserve invoices on an interim basis.
Accuracy of warehouse and financial accounting
These multiple account assignment options in SAP Business One enable accurate and efficient handling of inventory transactions, improving the accuracy of warehouse and financial accounting while reducing the effort required to manage and reconcile these processes.

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Warehouse management with SAP Business One

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