How does tea get to the supermarket? With SAP Business One
2 Dec

How does tea get to the supermarket? With SAP Business One

SAP Business One is now used in a wide range of companies around the world. Small and medium-sized companies from a wide range of industries rely on the ERP solution. Who these companies are and why SAP Business One was the right decision for you, we tell here on our blog.

Versino Financial Suite for SAP Business One Finance

Almost like a new block-buster epic, the video comes across that the processes at Amazon Trading Pvt Ltd shows. The company sells tea worldwide - if you look closely, you will recognise the colourful packaging from the supermarket around the corner. Quite different from the Sri Lankan tea plantations. However, it is a long way from the plants to the cup. The processes are mapped using SAP Business One and these enable controlled export.

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