With Drag & Relate, data can be transferred to SAP Business One link them together and create queries with simple references. It is about linking data from different parts to get the result you are looking for as quickly as possible.
Drag & Relate provides data from sales, purchasing, warehouse, production and service, journal entries and G/L accounts as well as business partners are ready for processing in SAP Business One.
So by dragging a master data object onto the list of transaction types on the Drag & Relate tab, you get an overview of the company's data in certain areas.
For example, if you click on an item number in the sales order and drag it from the menu to the sales order details, you will get a list of all sales order lines that contain that item. From here you can access the orange arrow to display a specific document. Or you can use the filter function or/and exports the result directly to Excel.

IFRS & HGB with SAP Business One

Financial statementsFinancial statements

SAP Business One – Reporting

Balance confirmation in SAP Business One

Dashboard functions in MARIProject