The Digital Transformation Forum was successfully held for the third time by Versino Projects and Wogra Consulting in Augsburg on 27 June 2017. There were a lot of interesting things to learn about digitalisation.
Digital transformation is a topic that is now being discussed at many levels. Nevertheless, some representatives of the SME sector are struggling to come to terms with the trend. Some see the constant references to the threat posed by a possible oversleeping of the trend as scaremongering. And detached minds see just another colourful pig being driven through the "digital village".
Closer to medium-sized businesses - closer to digitalisation
Once again this year, the 3rd Digital Transformation Forum provided a platform that brought the topic of digitalisation out of the "buzz corner". The annual specialist event organised by Versino Projects and Wogra Consulting from Augsburg focused on how SMEs can make use of the trends.
A focus on how a combination of standard and customised software can be used to quickly and securely drive digitalisation in the company. The realisation that with the current state of technology it is possible to turn "either/or" into "both/and" was the conclusion of the presentation.
Another helpful contribution for the SME entrepreneur was how costs arising from digitisation projects can be correctly calculated and kept in check.
There was a lively discussion as to whether it made sense to concentrate on a few important functions despite the excessive range of functions offered by application software such as SAP Business One. According to some participants, the "pain point-orientated introduction of business software" was a new and valuable suggestion.
The trend towards platforms was presented and discussed using a regional example from the care sector.
Last but not least, it provided a glimpse into the near and distant future, with topics such as the further expansion of the cloud and the use of AI in SMEs.
Discussing and networking in the name of digitalisation
The lively discussion touched on many aspects of the digital transformation, both technical and social. In addition to this "regulated" exchange, there was also plenty of time and space to get to know each other and network.