Cloud Software- Let's get real!
17 Nov

Cloud Software- Let's be honest!

A good lead is half the battle when you publish a post as a blogger. Now, some colleagues tend to see the lead more as an end in itself and not as a real indication of the content of the article.
To be honest, this was also the first thing I thought when I read the headline in the blog of the platform: Start-ups, please keep your IT'.
How now? A website that deals with the serious use of cloud software in Germany, of all places, is undermining one of the arguments always in favour of 'software as a service' (SAAS). (SAAS) arguments in favour? Where it is always said: With the cloud you can save on your own expensive IT. Probably just a headline that is then eloquently refuted in an article.
Surprisingly enough: none of the above.

It says: (QUOTE)  ?..Cloud services do not replace an IT department, but only certain processes and infrastructures. But in order for these to be optimally deployed, intertwined, secure and conducive to innovation, experts & developers are needed who know how a company can build on a successful cloud architecture...?

This is followed by a list of 5 good reasons why, despite the use of Cloud software should not save money on their own IT. And these reasons are comprehensible and valid!

Now it might be useful or expected to explain in a blog post why one should nevertheless use software from the cloud. Perhaps, and probably rightly so, the author trusts that there are already enough arguments for this in the other articles by finds.

SAAS between euphoria and disillusionment

However, the arguments presented in the blog, which is well worth reading, already indicate that the topic of the cloud is slowly coming of age. Like every trend, it follows an innovation curve where initial difficulties are followed by euphoria, which can then only be followed by a certain disillusionment. Anyone who wants to get closer to this model of thinking should read a lecture by the ?innovation professor?  Prof. Dr Gunter Dueck recommended. Here is one of many Youtube videos:

In relation to ERP systemslike SAP Business One, the development has only just begun. We are still waiting for the early adopters, at least in Europe's medium-sized businesses. There is no question of euphoria. Yes, and disillusionment will also set in. In the end, however, pure logic will win.

And as with many Innovations this will mean that for advantages and especially for those of an economic nature, changes and sometimes disadvantages will always have to be accepted.
For example, when it became apparent that music would be distributed via data, it was inconceivable to many that, as with records and CDs, one would no longer hold in one's hands the closed work of art with cover, lyrics, photos and an object that one could put in one's cupboard. Today, the whole art form of the album is dying out and the consumer only picks up individual tracks.
If they want to use an ERP from the cloud, companies will also have to part with some ideas that were previously considered sacrosanct. It can't be that we have to adapt to the software, the software has to adapt to us,' is something we hear often enough when discussing with companies about their processes and their handling in an ERP software. Then stick to one On premise approach and don't even think about using SAAS software.? one would have to reply honestly. Whether that is always wise is another matter. SAP has been preaching best-price approaches for a long time. Only very few SMEs follow these suggestions.

ERP and SAAS needs new approaches

But the manufacturers must also be reminded that, on the one hand, it is not enough to put ERP software in the cloud and offer it for rent. The other model also demands other approaches. At the same time, an ERP that is offered as a SAAS can and will never be as flexible in adapting to the wishes of the customer as one that has to make its function available exclusively for only one customer. That is in the nature of things. But this also means for ERP producers that they have to give up the paradigm of total integration of all processes for such offers.

A completely different topic is data security. There is also a nice article on this by the author mentioned at the beginning. This time as Podcast.

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