29 Sep

List of object types in SAP BUSINESS ONE

In SAP Business One there are different object types that are used for different business processes. These include, among others:

SAP Business One Finance Training
  • Business partners: These objects represent the company's business partners, such as B. Customers, suppliers and banks.
  • Items: These items are related to the products or services that the company offers.
  • Business processes: These objects represent the business processes of the company, e.g. Customer orders, delivery notes and invoices.
  • Financial operations: These objects are responsible for the company's financial processes, e.g. B. Bank transactions, incoming payments and payments.
  • Logistics: These objects represent the logistical processes of the operation, e.g. stock levels, purchasing documents and stock movements.
  • Human resources: These objects comprise the human resources processes of the company, such as e.g. Employee master data, payroll and leave requests.
  • Reports: These objects are templates for reports that can be generated from the other objects.
  • There are many other object types in SAP Business One, depending on the requirements and needs of the company.


Table Table description  German designation primary key ObjectType
OACT G/L accounts ledger accounts / General ledger accounts AcctCode 1
OCRD Business Partners Business partner card code 2
ODSC bank codes routing numbers AbsEntry 3
OITM items article Item Code 4
OVTG tax definition tax definition code 5
OPLN Price lists price lists ListNum 6
OSPP Special prices special prices CardCode, ItemCode 7
OITG Item Properties Item Properties ItemsTypCod 8
ORTM Rate Differences price differences LineNum, IsSysCurr 9
OCRG Card Groups cards groups group code 10
OCPR Contact Persons contact persons CntctCode 11
OUSR Users user USERID 12
OINV A/R Invoice A/R Invoice DocEntry 13
ORIN A/R Credit Memo exit credit DocEntry 14
ODLN Delivery delivery DocEntry 15
ORDER returns returns DocEntry 16
ORDR Sales order customer order DocEntry 17
OPCH A/P Invoice incoming invoice DocEntry 18
ORPC A/P Credit Memo incoming credit DocEntry 19
OPDN Goods Receipt PO Goods Receipt PO DocEntry 20
ORPD Goods return return of goods DocEntry 21
OPOR purchase order purchase order DocEntry 22
OQUT Sales Quotation sales offer DocEntry 23
ORCT incoming payments Incoming payment DocEntry 24
ODPS deposit deposit DepositId 25
OMTH Reconciliation History voting history MthAcctCod, IsInternal, MatchNum 26
OHH Check register Checkbook CheckKey 27
OBTF Journal Voucher Entry Evidence presented BatchNum, TransId 28
OBTD Journal Voucher List List of parked documents BatchNum 29
OJDT Journal Entry journal entry TransId 30
OITW Items - Warehouse Item - Stock ItemCode, WhsCode 31
OADP PrintPreferences print settings PrintId 32
OCLG activities activities clgcode 33
ORCR recurring postings Recurring Bookings RcurCode, Instance 34
ONNM Document numbering document numbering ObjectCode, DocSubType 35
OCRC credit cards credit cards credit card 36
OCRN Currency code Currency Codes CurrCode 37
OIDX CPI code CPI codes IDEX code 38
OADM administration administration code 39
OCTG Payment Terms terms of payment GroupNum 40
OPRF Preferences preferences FormNumber, UserSign 41
OBNK External Bank Statement Received External account statement received AcctCode, Sequence 42
OMRC manufacturers Manufacturer FirmCode 43
OCQG Card Properties card properties group code 44
OTRC Journal Entry Code Journal Entry Codes TrnsCode 45
OVPM outgoing payments Outgoing Payments DocEntry 46
OSRL Serial Numbers serial numbers ItemCode, SerialNum 47
OALC Loading expenses loading costs AlcCode 48
OSHP Delivery Types types of delivery TrnspCode 49
OLGT length units units of length unit code 50
OWGT Weight Units weight units unit code 51
OITB Item Groups item groups ItemsGrpCod 52
OSLP SalesEmployee sales staff SlpCode 53
OFLT Report - Selection Criteria Report - Selection Criteria FormNum, UserSign, FilterName 54
OTRT Post templates booking templates TrtCode 55
OARG Customs Groups customs groups CstGrpCode 56
OCHO Checks for Payment checks for payment CheckKey 57
OINM Whse Journal whse journal TransNum, Instance 58
OIGN Goods Receipt Goods Receipt DocEntry 59
OIGE Goods Issue Goods issue DocEntry 60
OPRC cost centers Cost centre PrcCode 61
OOCR cost rate cost rate OcrCode 62
OPRJ Project Code project codes PrjCode 63
OWHS warehouses warehouse WhsCode 64
OCOG Commission Groups commission groups group code 65
OITT Product Tree product tree code 66
OWTR inventory transfer inventory transfer DocEntry 67
OWKO ProductionInstructions production instructions OrderNum 68
OIPF Landed costs Landed Cost DocEntry 69
OCRP Payment Methods Payment Methods CrTypeCode 70
OCDT Credit card payments Payment with credit card code 71
OCRH Credit card management Management of credit cards AbsId, Instance 72
OSCN Customer/Vendor Cat. No. Customer/Supplier Cat. No. ItemCode, CardCode, Substitutes 73
OCRV Credit Payments Credit Payments AbsId, PayId, Instance 74
ORTT CPI and FC Rates CPI and FC rates RateDate, Currency 75
ODPT Post dated deposit Post-dated deposit DepositId 76
OBGT budget household AbsId 77
OBGD Budget cost assessment. Mthd Budget Estimate. Mthd BgdCode 78
ORCN retail chains retail chains chain code 79
OALT Alert Template Alerts template code 80
OALR Alerts Tenders code 81
OAIB Received Alerts Received Alerts AlertCode, UserSign 82
OAOB message sent sent message AlertCode, UserSign 83
OCLS Activity Subjects themes of the activity code 84
OSPG Special prices for groups Special prices for groups CardCode, ObjType, ObjKey 85
SPRG Application Start Registration start LineNum, UserCode 86
OMLS distributionlist distribution list code 87
OENT Shipping Types shipping methods DocEntry 88
OSAL outgoing outgoing DocEntry 89
OTRA transit reconciliation DocEntry 90
OBGS budget scenario household scenario AbsId 91
OIRT Interest Prices interest rates numerator 92
OUDG user defaults User Preferences code 93
OSRI Serial numbers for items Serial numbers for items ItemCode, SysSerial 94
OFRT Financial report templates Financial report templates AbsId 95
OFRC Financial Report Categories Financial Report Categories TemplateId, CatId 96
OOPR opportunity opportunity OpprId 97
OOIN interests Interest charges number 98
OOIR interest level interest level number 99
OOSR information source source of information number 100
OOST Opportunity Stage opportunity level number 101
OOFR Defect cause defect cause number 102
OCLT Activity Types activity types code 103
OCLO Meeting location Meeting place code 104
OISR service calls service calls RequestNum 105
OIBT Batch No. for item batch no. for article ItemCode, BatchNum, WhsCode 106
OALI Alternate items 2 Alternative items 2 OrigItem, AltItem 107
OPRT partners partner PrtId 108
OCMT competitors competitor CompetId 109
OUVV User Validation User Validations IndexID, LineNum 110
OFPR posting period booking period AbsEntry 111
ODRF drafts drafts DocEntry 112
OSRD Batches and Serial Numbers Lots and serial numbers ItemCode, DocType, DocEntry, DocLineNum 113
OUDC User Display Cat. User display cat. CodeID 114
OPVL Lender-Pelecard Lender - Pelecard code 115
ODDT Withholding Tax Deduction Hierarchy Withholding tax hierarchy numerator 116
ODDG Withholding Tax Deduction Groups Withholding tax deduction groups numerator 117
OUBR branches branches code 118
OUDP departments departments code 119
OWST confirmation level confirmation level WstCode 120
OWTM Approval Templates approval templates WtmCode 121
OWDD docs for confirmation supporting documents for confirmation WddCode 122
OCHD Checks for Payment Drafts Checks for draft payments CheckKey 123
CINF Company Info Information about the company version 124
OEXD Freight setup cargo setting ExpnsCode 125
OSTA Sales Tax Authorities Sales Tax Authorities code, type 126
OST Sales Tax Authorities Type Type of sales tax authority AbsId 127
OSTC Sales Tax Codes Sales Tax Codes code 128
OCRY countries Countries code 129
OCST States states country code 130
OADF Address Format address formats code 131
OCIN A/R Correction Invoice Output Correction Invoice DocEntry 132
OCDC cash discount discount code 133
OQCN Query Categories Query of categories CategoryId 134
OIND triangular deal triangular deal code 135
ODMW data migration data migration code 136
OCSTN Workstation ID Workstation ID code 137
OIDC indicators Mark code 138
OGSP Goods shipment shipment of goods code 139
OPDF payment draft draft payment DocEntry 140
OQWZ Query Wizard Query Wizard code 141
OASG Account segmentation Account Segmentation AbsId 142
OSC Account Segmentation Categories Account segmentation categories SegmentId, Code 143
OLCT Location Location code 144
OTNN 1099 forms 1099 forms FormCode 145
OCYC cycles cycle code 146
OPYM Payment Methods for Payment Wizard Payment types for the payment assistant PayMethCod 147
OTOB 1099 opening balance 1099 opening balance VendCode, Form1099, Box1099 148
ORIT Dunning Interest Rate reminder interest rate code 149
OBPP BP Priorities BP Priorities priority code 150
ODUN Dunning Letters dunning letters LineNum 151
CUFD User Fields - Description User Fields - Description TableID, FieldID 152
OUTB user tables user tables TableName 153
OCUMI My Menu Items My menu items UserSign , Id_ 154
OPYD payment run payment run code 155
OPKL Picklist pick list AbsEntry 156
OPWZ Payment Wizard payment assistant IDNumber 157
OPEX Payment Results Table Table of payment results AbsEntry 158
OPYB Payment block payment block AbsEntry 159
OUQR queries Interrogate InternalKey, Qcategory 160
OCBI Central Bank Ind. Central Bank Ind. indicators 161
OMRV Inventory evaluation Inventory revaluation DocEntry 162
OCPI A/P Correction Invoice Receipt correction invoice DocEntry 163
OCPV A/P Correction Invoice Reversal Goods receipt correction invoice cancellation DocEntry 164
OCSI A/R Correction Invoice Output correction invoice DocEntry 165
OCSV A/R Correction Invoice Reversal Outgoing correction invoice cancellation DocEntry 166
OSCS Service call statuses Service Call Status statusID 167
OSCT Service call types Service Call Types callTypeID 168
OSCP Service call problem types Service Call Problem Types prblmTypID 169
OCTT Contract template contract template TmpltName 170
OHEM Employees employees empID 171
OHTY Employee Types employee types typeID 172
OHST Employee Status Status of the employee statusID 173
OHTR termination reason reason for termination reasonID 174
OHED Education Types training types edType 175
OINS Customer equipment card customer device card insID 176
OAGP agent name Representative's name agent code 177
OWHT With-holding tax withholding tax WT code 178
ORFL Already Displayed 347, 349 and WTax Reports Already viewed reports 347, 349 and Wtax DocEntry, ReportType, DocType, LineNum, TaxCode, OrdinalNum 179
OVTR tax report tax report AbsEntry 180
OBOE Bill of Exchange for Payment Change to payment BoeKey 181
OBOT Bill Of Exchange Transaction bill of exchange transaction AbsEntry 182
OFRM file format file format AbsEntry 183
OPID Period indicator Period indicator indicators 184
ODOR Doubtful Debts Doubtful Debts AbsEntry 185
OHLD Holiday table holiday table HldCode 186
OCRB BP - bank account BP - bank account Country, BankCode, Account, CardCode 187
OSST Service call solution statuses Status of service call solutions Number 188
OSLT Service call solutions Service Call Solutions SltCode 189
OCTR service contracts Service Contracts ContractID 190
OSCL service calls service calls callID 191
OSCO Service call origins Service Call Origins originID 192
OUKD User Key Description User Key Description TableName, KeyId 193
OQUE queue queue queueID 194
OIWZ Inflation Wizard Inflation Assistant AbsEntry 195
ODUT Dunning terms admonishing terms Term Code 196
ODWZ DunningWizard reminder assistant WizardId 197
OFCT sales forecast sales forecast AbsID 198
OMSN MRP scenarios MRP scenarios AbsEntry 199
OTER territories territories territoryID 200
OOND industries Industry sectors IndCode 201
OWOR Production order production order DocEntry 202
ODPI A/R down payment sales deposit DocEntry 203
ODPO A/P down payment purchase deposit DocEntry 204
OPKG package types package types PkgCode 205
OUDO User-Defined Object Custom object code 206
ODOW Data Ownership - Objects Data Ownership - Objects Object, SubObject 207
ODOX Data Ownership - Exceptions Data Ownership - Exceptions QueryId, Object, SubObject 208
OHPS Employee position employee position PosID 210
OHTM employee teams employee teams teamID 211
OORL relationships Relationships OrlCode 212
ORCM Recommendation Data Referral Dates DocEntry 213
OUPT User Authorization Tree User Authorization Tree AbsId 214
OPDT Predefined text predefined text AbsEntry 215
OBOX box definition box definition BoxCode, ReportType, BosCode 216
OCLA activity status Activity status statusID 217
OCHF 312 312 ObjName 218
OCSHS User Defined Values Custom Values IndexID 219
OACP Periods Category Periods category AbsEntry 220
OATC Attachments Attachments AbsEntry 221
OGFL Grid filters grid filter FormID, GridID, UserCode 222
OLNG User Language Table User Language Table code 223
OMLT Multi-language translation Multilingual translation TranEntry 224
SDIS Dynamic Interface (Strings) Dynamic interface (strings) FormId, ItemId, ColumnId, Language 229
OSVR Saved Reconciliations Saved Matches acctCode 230
DSC1 House bank accounts house bank accounts AbsEntry 231
RDOC documents receipt DocCode 232
ODGP Document generation parameter sets Document generation parameter sets AbsEntry 233
OMHD #740 #740 alert code 234
OACG AccountCategory account category AbsId 238
OBCA Bank charges allocation codes Bank Fee Allocation Codes code 239
OCFT Cash Flow Transactions - Rows Cash Flow Transactions - Rows CFTId 241
OCFW Cash flow line item cash flow position CFWId 242
OBPL Business Place place of business BPLId 247
OJPE Local Era Calendar Local epoch calendar code 250
ODIM Cost Accounting Dimension dimension of cost accounting DimCode 251
OSCD Service code table Service code table AbsEntry 254
OSGP Service Group for Brazil Performance group for Brazil AbsEntry 255
OMGP Material Group material group AbsEntry 256
ONCM NCM code NCM code AbsEntry 257
OCFP CFOP for Nota Fiscal CFOP for Nota Fiscal ID 258
OTSC CST Code for Nota Fiscal CST Code for Nota Fiscal ID 259
OUSG Usage of Nota Fiscal Use of the Nota Fiscal ID 260
OCDP Closing Date Procedure Closing Date Procedure clsDateNum 261
ONFN Nota Fiscal Numbering Nota Fiscal numbering ObjectCode, DocSubType 263
ONFT Nota Fiscal Tax Category (Brazil) Nota Fiscal Tax Category (Brazil) AbsId 264
OCNT counties districts AbsId 265
OTC Tax Code Determination Determination of the tax code AbsId 266
ODTY BoE Document Type BoE document type AbsEntry 267
OPTF BoE portfolio BoE portfolio AbsEntry 268
OIST BoE Instruction BoE statement AbsEntry 269
OTPS Tax parameters control parameters AbsId 271
OTFC Tax Type Combination Tax type combination AbsId 275
OFML Tax Formula Master Table Tax formula master table AbsId 276
OCNA CNAE code CNAE code AbsId 278
OTSI Sales Tax Invoice sales tax invoice DocEntry 280
OTPI Purchase Tax Invoice Purchase Tax Invoice DocEntry 281
OCCD Cargo Customs Declaration Numbers Freight Customs Declaration Numbers CCDNum 283
ORSC Resources resources ResCode 290
ORSG Resource Properties Resource properties ResTypCod 291
ORSB ResGrpCod ResGrpCod ResGrpCod 292
OITR Internal Reconciliation Internal vote ReconNum 321
OPOS POS Master Data POS master data Equipment No 541
ODRF Stock Transfer Draft Rearrangement Design DocEntry 1179
OMSG Messaging Service Settings Messaging service settings USERID 10000105
OBTN Batch Numbers Master Data Batch numbers master data AbsEntry 10000044
OSRN Serial Numbers Master Data Serial numbers master data AbsEntry 10000045
OIVK IVL vs OINM Keys IVL vs. OINM key TransSeq 10000062
OIQR Inventory posting inventory posting DocEntry 10000071
OFYM Financial Year Masters Fiscal Year Master AbsId 10000073
OSEC sections sections AbsId 10000074
OCSN Certificate Series certificate series AbsId 10000075
ONOA Nature of Assessee type of beneficiary AbsId 10000077
TYPE Document Type List Document type list CODE 10000196
OUGP UoM Group UoM group UgpEntry 10000197
OUOM UoM Master Data UoM master data UomEntry 10000199
OBFC Bin field configuration Space Field Configuration AbsEntry 10000203
OBAT Bin location attributes Storage bin location attribute AbsEntry 10000204
OBSL Warehouse sublevel Stock sublevel AbsEntry 10000205
WHETHER IN Am Location storage place AbsEntry 10000206
ODNF DNF code DNF code AbsEntry 140000041
OUGR Authorization Group authorization group GroupId 231000000
OEGP Email Group email group EmlGrpCode 234000004
OGPC Government Payment Code government payment code AbsId 243000001
OIQI Inventory opening balance Inventory opening balance DocEntry 310000001
OBTW Batch Attributes in Location Batch attributes in place AbsEntry 310000008
OLLF Legal list format Format of the legal list AbsEntry 410000005
OHET Object: HR Employee Transfer Object: HR employee transfer TransferID 480000001
OTCX Tax Code Determination Tax Code Determination DocEntry 540000005
OPQT Purchase Quotation shopping offer DocEntry 540000006
ORCP Recurring Transaction Template Recurring transaction template AbsEntry 540000040
OCCT Cost center type cost center type CctCode 540000042
OACR AccrualType accrual type code 540000048
ONFM Nota Fiscal Model Nota Fiscal Model AbsEntry 540000056
OBFI Brazil Fuel Indexer Brazil fuel indexer ID 540000067
OBBI Brazil Beverage Indexer Brazil beverage indexer ID 540000068
OCPT Cockpit main table Cockpit main table AbsEntry 1210000000
OWTQ Inventory Transfer Request Inventory transfer request DocEntry 1250000001
OOAT Blanket Agreement flat rate agreement AbsID 1250000025
OKPI Key Performance Indicator Package Performance Indicators Package AbsEntry 1320000000
OTGG Target Group Target groups target code 1320000002
OCPN Campaign campaign CpnNo 1320000012
OROC Return Operation Codes Retorno transaction codes AbsEntry 1320000028
OPSC Product source code Product Source Code code 1320000039
ODTP Fixed asset depreciation types Fixed assets depreciation types code 1470000000
OADDT Fixed assets account determination Fixed assets account determination code 1470000002
ODPA Fixed asset depreciation areas Depreciation areas of fixed assets code 1470000003
ODPP Depreciation type pools Depreciation Type Pools code 1470000004
OACS asset classes asset classes code 1470000032
OAGS asset groups plant groups code 1470000046
ODMC G/L Account Determination Criteria - Inventory G/L Account Determination Criteria - Inventory DmcId 1470000048
OACQ capitalization activation DocEntry 1470000049
OGAR G/L Account Advanced Rules Advanced rules for general ledger accounts AbsEntry 1470000057
OACD Credit memo credit amount DocEntry 1470000060
OBCD Bar Code Master Data Barcode master data BcdEntry 1470000062
OINC Inventory Counting inventory count DocEntry 1470000065
OEDG discount groups Discount groups AbsEntry 1470000077
OCCS Cycle count determination Cycle count determination WhsCode 1470000092
OPRQ Purchase request request for purchase DocEntry 1470000113
OWLS Workflow - Task Details workflow - Task details TaskID 1620000000