Even from seemingly general and harmless data, conclusions can be drawn about individual persons. Is this news to you? Then perhaps you should check once again whether your company is in the business of data protection is up to date with regard to personal data.
The Safe Harbor ruling can make the unprotected storage or processing of personal data - whether from customers or employees - expensive.
What exactly is personal data?
On the one hand, personal data refers to all data that is kPhysical characteristics such as eye colour or body size. Also other Personal details such as place of birth or religion fall under data protection. In addition, the Property such as rental or car details are protected. Likewise all Number plates and numberssuch as credit card numbers or social security. Strictly private such as health data and sexuality, but also hobbies fall under personal data.
How to handle personal data correctly?
As a first step, it is advisable to ? if still open ? Check company data and place it under the appropriate protection. You may find it easier to do this if you prefer an EU or German provider.
It is also important to note that a data protection officer must be appointed if a certain number of employees are involved in the processing of personal data. Nine persons for digital data processing, 19 for manual data processing.
To be on the safe side, you should also ask for ADV contracts before engaging service providers or integrate customer or employee consent into the process of the engagement. Outside audits (e.g. data protection authorities) can be of help in setting up the appropriate conditions.
Finally, it is always a good idea to check that the GTC and data protection information are up to date. These are usually not long enough for nothing and must always be ticked. This way you can protect yourself legally.