As we have already read in some places, SAP Business One is now also available in an official SAP rental variant. SAP offers to make this available via hosting through suitable partners. This so-called BAiO (Subscription-based Hosting) concept has been available for SAP All-In-One for some time and is now to be extended to Business One.
The monthly price of a licence is made up of the licence rental and the hosting costs. For this fee, you get SAP Business One "out of the socket". So almost a SaaS model?
However, in the case of SAP Business One, one must pay attention to the details: At the moment, only the B1 - Core licences are available in rental mode. All Add ons still have to be purchased. Furthermore, smaller customers in particular are unlikely to be happy with the proportionate hosting costs.
However, companies with a large number of licences who are interested in the scalability of their installation may find this model particularly attractive.
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