SAP reacts to war in Ukraine
3 March

SAP reacts to war in Ukraine

Buffeted by the war in Ukraine and burdened by sanctions, more and more companies are withdrawing from business with Russia. SAP, headquartered in Walldorf, is now one of them: "The economic sanctions against Russia are an important instrument for restoring peace," says Group CEO Christian Klein in a public statement. The group is in constant exchange with politicians around the world, he says, has full confidence in their leadership and fully endorses the steps taken so far. As a consequence of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Klein announced: "In line with the sanctions, we are suspending our business in Russia and also pausing the sale of SAP services and products in Russia".

On 2 March, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov posted copies of the letters, addressed to Oracle CTO Larry Ellison, and SAP CEO Christian Klein on Twitter.The letters call for an end to business relations with Russia in response to the current incursion in Ukraine

SAP's reaction was not long in coming. Already today, the corresponding statement was published on the SAP website.

"Like the rest of the world, we are watching the war in Ukraine with horror and condemn the invasion in the strongest possible terms." The published SAP statement continues. SAP CEO Klein continues to take a clear stance against Russia: "Such an inhumane and unjustified act is an attack on democracy and humanity. Its consequences affect us all.

SAP has also provided initial humanitarian support of EUR 1 million to the people of Ukraine. SAP is also working with national Red Cross organisations, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and other organisations to provide technological support for their work in Ukraine.

SAP also takes care of its own employees, who can expect financial and logistical support should they want to or be able to leave Ukraine.

Incidentally, Oracle is also ceasing operations in Russia.

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