How to become an SAP boss?
15 october

How do you become an SAP boss?

Bill McDermott, the CEO of SAP, is a sales man and a US American at that. It goes without saying that having such a leader at the helm of a (former) German company means a certain cultural change. And it could be heard that the fresh wind that the American is blowing through the corridors of the Walldorf headquarters is definitely blowing in some people's faces.

However, it is not only the fact that Bill McDermott is the first non-European to take the helm at SAP that is so important. extraordinary, but also how he arrived at it. This also seems very American and can now be read in a book.  Winners Dream is the name autobiographical Work that allows the career of the SAP CEO to be traced. From being a 16-year-old early business starter to selling photocopiers at XEROX to starting and rising at SAP, a (at least by SAP standards) extraordinary Career traced. 

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