Award for B1 development partner by SAP
11 June

Award for B1 development partner by SAP

SAP has announced this year's winners of the SAP Business One Global Solution Partner Awards. SAP partners are honoured in various categories for their enhancements to SAP Business One. There are approximately 200 Software Solution Partners worldwide who have developed over 500 add-ons for SAP Business One to date.

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Webshops for SAP Business One
27 apr

Webshops for SAP Business One

For a long time, web shops for SAP Business One played more of an outsider role. There was an SAP offering that was never launched on the European market and was in any case in a cost range that could be described as "inappropriate" for SMEs, to put it mildly.

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SAP Business One for the global midmarket
22 apr

SAP Business One for the global midmarket

Corporate management by means of integrated ERP landscapes is common practice for globally operating groups and large companies. Nowadays, medium-sized companies are also increasingly setting up international representative offices. The associated new requirements and demands on the global internal and external interaction of these companies are at the same time the new challenges for qualified ERP specialists.

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SAP publishes plan for SAP Business One until 2014
19 apr

SAP publishes plan for SAP Business One until 2014

In an article in the SAP publication, the Walldorf-based company presents the development plans for SAP Business One. The so-called roadmap goes into 2014, according to which new versions (major releases) will be introduced every two years. Business One 9.0 will be released in 2012 and Business One 10.0 in 2014.

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The small difference between SAP B1 and R/3
6 apr

The small difference between SAP B1 and R/3

Again and again I notice in conversations that prospective customers do not make much of a difference between the various SAP ? applications. For them, SAP is the software that the supplier or the customer has, which is why it always reacts so inflexibly when you need a quick change in the process.

The surprise is therefore all the greater when it is explained that one and the other, i.e. SAP Enterprise (formerly R/3) and SAP Business One have less in common than the common logo would suggest.

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