International ERP Rollout: Strategies for Business Groups
18 July

International ERP Rollout: Strategies for Corporate Groups

An ERP rollout is not just an ERP rollout - this is something that every experience with often International ERP projects taught. Especially when a new system is to be introduced at several locations, it becomes important to inform oneself about the different possibilities of a rollout strategy and to adapt it to the project. There is no standardised approach. Nevertheless, different directions can be taken in rollout. Here are a few suggestions:

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The "all at once" strategy for the ERP rollout

As the name suggests, this rollout strategy is all about the big picture. The new system is "rolled out" at all locations simultaneously. The load is equalised, but also equally high everywhere. An ERP rollout in this variant must therefore be well planned - because if something goes wrong, it has a direct impact on the entire group of companies. This strategy is particularly suitable for groups of companies that are already very closely linked and are looking for a standardised solution. The "all at once" variant has the advantage that the ERP solution can be easily developed by the various locations together and there is no "forerunner". Instead, processes can be standardised and thus grow together. If the locations differ in their working methods and this is perhaps even reflected in the system, a different strategy for the rollout may be more suitable.

The "step-by-step" strategy for the ERP rollout

As the exact opposite of the first strategy, this variant primarily offers one advantage. Instead of sending all locations into the often chaotic daily project routine at once, the ERP rollout is first implemented. The project approach can develop and improve each time. This takes the pressure off the individual locations and the project team only works on one "construction site". With this strategy, however, care should be taken to ensure that the individual projects do not become too far apart. The basic idea behind the introduction of a new ERP system is often that the company processes should also be standardised across locations. If this is not the case in the end, the project will have failed. Here at least it helps to Project planning and, above all, not to lose sight of the objectives. It is also a good help to ensure that the rollout does not turn into a long-term project.

The "stage" strategy for the ERP rollout

This variant of a rollout is a hybrid of the last two strategies. Although the introduction takes place in several steps, it is carried out across all locations. This variant is suitable for groups of companies that are not too widely dispersed and are working towards uniform processes and has the advantage that the implementation can be organised quite clearly, but still takes place in one go. This is particularly useful for larger groups of companies in order to maintain an overview.

The "tester" strategy for the ERP rollout

This variant is also based on the previous strategies. Here, however, the company deliberately "tests" the ERP rollout at a smaller location. This strategy is then applied to all locations. The advantage: the project team can gain experience and test their strategy on a manageable project. However, the question arises as to whether to test it at the location that needs it most urgently or at a location that needs it the most. processes of all locations is best presented in a uniform way. The disadvantage is that you have to assume that the tested project strategy also works for all others, which is not necessarily the case. Here again, it is important to weigh up how uniformly the processes should be represented in the ERP system in the end.

Ultimately, there is no predetermined "how-to-do-it" strategy for the rollout of ERP systems at multiple locations. The basis for the decision is the number of companies, their similarities, but also their differences and the capacities of the project team. Each group of companies can and should design this for itself.

Here a contribution on what you should definitely consider in an ERP project.

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