In our series on the ERP selection we have already illuminated some facets of this difficult matter. After all, we are now quite a bit further along in our run through the various stations. We have found our favourites and selected various Presentations enjoyed.
Now the good impression has to be substantiated with additional information. We ask the provider to talk to their ERP references.
Find ERP references
As almost every guidebook on the subject of choosing an ERP system demands, the customer asks for references from the provider. They should be interviewed or even visited to get an impression of the software in live operation.
Of course, the provider only wants to name ERP references who are highly satisfied with the software or/and the ERP partners are.
The customer would also not like to make a company outing out of the reference visit. So the reference customer should also be within reach.
And the reference must not be too similar: After all, you don't want to coordinate with a competitor.
Because finding the right highly satisfied customer who also has a suitable schedule is no easy exercise.
And the schedule is already overstretched.
Ask the providers for 'negative references'.
There is no major project in which there are not serious difficulties.
How this is dealt with is often essential.
Visit ERP references
If a conversation and/or a visit then takes place, the impressions one gains are ambivalent. Yes, you might get some information about why the reference customer is satisfied or even very satisfied. At the same time, however, one has to realise that the other Pursue works quite differently.
- first realisation : others work differently.
- second insight: it's nice to be able to map the external process with the selected ERP system.
- third realisation: one is as smart as before.
Clarify what is important for you to see or what you want to talk about with the reference client before the interview with the provider.
What to know
If a visit from another company is announced, then in a proper company they are not received by just anyone. It has to be the managing director or a senior executive. After all, the visitors are of a similar calibre. Unfortunately, the executive floor is seldom deep in the ERP processes. One rather knows the results, i.e. evaluations and reports. On the other hand, the company visited cannot be expected to have a whole host of contact persons ready. What inevitably happens is that many things go unanswered.
Also try to get a key user at the table and take a future key user to the interview as well.
more on the subject:

ERP selection - if it were that easy / Part 1

ERP selection ? if it were that easy / part 2

ERP selection ? if it were that easy / part 3

ERP selection ? if it were that easy / part 4

ERP selection ? if it were that easy / part 5