SAP Business One Shortcuts - Here for you!
2 october

SAP Business One Shortcuts – Here for you!

Shortcuts are a wonderful thing. And there is actually no system that does not work with shortcuts - indeed, it is often necessary. In many cases, it is more a matter of "taste" how you want to work with a system. Whether you are more of a "mouse person" or prefer to keep your hands on the keyboard. For those of the latter type, here are all the SAP Business One shortcuts:

 Show main menu Ctrl + 0
 Print current document Ctrl + P
 Show transaction journal Ctrl + J
 Close SAP Business One Ctrl + Q
 UndoCtrl + Z
 Redo Ctrl + Shift + Z
 Cut out Ctrl + X
 Copy Ctrl + C
 Insert Ctrl + V
Search function for customers or articles,
that begin with certain letters
 Letter input * Tab
 Multiple selection Ctrl or Shift + selection of entries
 Show custom fields Ctrl + Shift + U
 Show next document Ctrl + ->
 Show previous document Ctrl + <-
 Switch to create mode Ctrl + A
 Switch to search mode  Ctrl + F
 Change field names Ctrl + double click on field name
 Show alternative articles Ctrl + Tab in the item number field
 Enter current date  Any key (except numbers) + Tab
 Enter any date in the current month Tag + Tab
Enter any date in the current year Day + Month + Tab
 Close all windows except main menu Shift + Close window via X
 Open a new window Enter
 Close current window Esc
 In table : Add a row  Ctrl + I
  In table : Duplicate row  Ctrl + M
  In table : Delete row Ctrl + K
Sort table by column in ascending orderDouble click on column header
Sort table by column in descending order ALT + double click on column heading
  In table : Show detailed information of a row Ctrl + L
  In table :Jump to first row  Ctrl + H
  In table : Jump to last row Ctrl + E
  In table :Copy from cell above Ctrl + [arrow up]
  In table : gross profit calculate Ctrl + G
  In table : Payment method select Ctrl + Y
  In table : Volume and Weight calculate Ctrl + W
  In table : Basic document open Ctrl + N
  In table : Target document open Ctrl + T
  In table : One serial number Select for an article Ctrl + Tab (in quantity field of the item)
  In table : Last prices showCtrl + Tab (in the price field of the item)
  In table : Copy the amount when entering the paymentAfter clicking on the purse icon to specify incoming payment (Ctrl + B to copy amount)
  In table :  Article information retrieve in the warehouse reportCtrl + Tab in the Warehouse field

Define your own keyboard shortcuts: Menu Bar > Extras > User Keyboard Shortcuts

Contact Versino

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