Is your data quality right and have you considered all the IT risks? Or do you not actually know exactly what is being asked? We also like to throw around various terms about what is worth knowing about business software. However, the best 10-point check is useless if you don't know exactly what is being asked. So here is an explanation of the most common "must-haves" for your business software.
IT infrastructure for business software
The IT infrastructure is basically the big picture, or the in-between. Cryptic? Think of a city whose infrastructure is its processes and dynamism holds together. To live effectively in your city, you need to get to work on time every day. Roads or public transport are therefore part of the infrastructure that ensures this. But if, for example, there are more people using this infrastructure, you have to adapt it. It is the same in IT. Here, the infrastructure must remain just as flexible and be able to develop. Only then is the basis for your business software secure.
Scalability of the business software
It is similar with scalability. Does the business software cover both qualitative and quantitative needs? Does the software want to answer questions that no one has asked it? Or does the system simply not cover some processes, which is why these can be outsourced? The scalability describes here the testability that leads to the answering of these questions and thus promotes an increase in performance.
User-friendliness of the business software
In the age of "tab and swipe", we are very spoilt when it comes to the friendliness of software applications. Anything that is not self-explanatory is thrown into the corner and disappears into the depths of the app store. Business software is usually a little more complex, as a few more processes should and must be mapped in standardised solutions than in the usual range of apps. However, the users' expectations are of course the same. That is why it is always important to work on finding a good "usability", i.e. to ensure user-friendliness.
data quality
As mentioned in the first two points, data is an important basis for using and expanding the system processes efficiently. However, this data must be of good quality. For example, it must not be duplicated in the business software or outdated.
Mobility through business software
"Mobile Solution" is a naturally fancy thing in times of digitalisation. Suddenly having access to everything from anywhere seems attractive. But is it relevant for your company? Mobility can be an advantage for service providers, for example. Or for on-site customer support. In most cases, appropriate system applications are used to help out here, which has the advantage that you don't have to push everything into the cloud.
Business software security
And that brings us to the next point: security. Many users are sceptical, especially when it comes to data on the Internet. However, the more professional the security management, the freer you can act with the data. Because if the security of the data can be guaranteed within a certain framework, it is freely available here within the framework.
Competitive advantage
The competitive edge is crucial in such a fast-paced Industry as IT is, of course, one thing. Nevertheless, if all the points mentioned so far are implemented consistently, your company will see an increase in performance. The more efficient design of processes leads to savings and to investments in the right places.
IT risks
Risks are always associated with IT, mainly in terms of security and protection. In business software, both have a lot to do with up-to-dateness and back-up. Updates and data backup are therefore a good basis for healthy risk management. Otherwise, regular data maintenance and a watchful eye on the system are helpful in avoiding breakdowns.
In times of digitalisation, we are quickly concerned about whether the system will be able to keep up in the future. As already mentioned, the industry is dynamic and constantly evolving. What you need to ask yourself: How important is it for your company to operate at the same pace. The system should be flexible enough to be able to "grow" constantly. Fortunately, many solutions can now guarantee this as standard. But otherwise you can ask yourself: What is "nice-to-have" and what do you really need to lead the company successfully into the future?
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