Understand bookkeeping: totals and balance list (SuSa)
25 Sep

Understand bookkeeping: totals and balance list (SuSa)

A totals and balances list provides a list of all booked accounts within a selected period. It thus includes all accounts with opening and closing balances and account movements. The report, often also referred to as Susa, provides information about requirements, Costs, bank balances etc.. At the same time, the list per se says nothing about the company's situation. Among other things, the current Stock of goods. With the Versino Financial Suite, SAP Business One is getting a new version of SUSA.

Why is a totals and balances list required?

A totals and balances list is displayed within the financial accounting needed for various occasions.
In the accounting department, the Trial Balance (Susa) the starting point for different actions.
So deliver those depicted in the Susa bookings the basis for general statements on the business administration of a company. At the same time, this report is the basis for many evaluations and thus for sensible controlling.
Important standards can be derived accordingly from these principles:

Versino Financial Suite - Totals and balances list

The Versino Financial Suite totals and balances list extends the SAP Business One standard. In particular, the specifications and criteria of DATEV is fulfilled. This considerably facilitates the exchange and synchronisation with your tax office, which ensures that DATEV and SAP Business One synchronised are in your database. The totals and balances lists from SAP Business One and DATEV quickly provide comparable data sets and therefore save a lot of time and effort for enquiries and reworking.

Practical application and advantages

The new totals and balances list in the Versino Financial Suite offers numerous advantages:

User friendliness:

The reduction to a single input parameter greatly simplifies the report creation process.


The report fulfils the DATEV criteria and thus facilitates cooperation with tax consultants and auditors.

Clarity and precision:

The clear structure and detailed presentation of account classes and values ensure precise reporting.


The option to export reports as PDF or Excel files offers additional flexibility for further processing and archiving.

List of totals and balances Prerequisites

The balances of the balance sheet values must opening balance sheet values (EB values) of the active and passive stock accounts To be in harmony. All of the accounts in chart of accounts must be posted. This includes fixed and current asset accounts.

For whom is the SUSA interesting?

As proof of accounts for the BWA a bank wants to see the Susa as part of a credit analysis. In doing so, she checks whether the values in the lines of the BWA are consistent with the lines in the totals and balances list. Also for calculating liquidity and evaluating the cash flows the report is used.

On tax consultant can use the SuSa to extrapolate income tax, corporation tax and trade tax. This can also be used to derive possible tax-saving tactics. At the very least, the entrepreneur is 'forewarned' which Taxes at the end of the year.

SuSa from the Versino Financial Suite

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